Classic Red Roses with Lilies
Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Ordered Before 4 P.M.
This flower bouquet contains:
• 8 pcs Unscented Red Roses
• 2 pcs Unscented White Asiatic lilies
Our Classic Red Roses with Lilies Arrangement is a radiant expression of charm and elegance, featuring a medley of 8 unscented red roses paired with 2 unscented white Asiatic lilies. These stunning flowers create a captivating visual symphony that embodies both passion and tranquility. Whether its to celebrate a special occasion or for simply adding warmth to your home, this bouquet makes a striking addition. The luxurious red roses convey heartfelt emotions, while the pristine white lilies offer a soothing touch. Expertly crafted by our florists, each stem is carefully arranged to showcase the natural beauty and texture of the flowers. This beautiful bouquet is more than just a gift; its an experience of elegance and love. Allow the vivacious colors and flawless blooms to enhance any setting, adding a sense of peace and joy. Wrapped delicately in organza, the bouquet is thoughtfully designed to bring happiness to you or your loved ones. Ideal for any event or simply to show appreciation, it is a gift that speaks volumes of sweet sentiments and classic beauty.
Price: Rs. 941/-
Earliest Delivery : 24-FebRemote locations may take one day more.
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