
Bouquet of Bliss

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Product Description:

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This floral arrangement is made of:
• 1 Asiatic Lily
• 5 Roses
• 3 Carnations

Experience the symphony of natures finest blooms with this stunning floral arrangement. As the Asiatic Lily, five radiant roses, and three elegant carnations unite, a harmonious melody of colors and fragrances fills the room. Perfect as a centerpiece or a gift for a loved one, this blossom symphony will bring joy and beauty to any space.

Rs. 1119/-

Mixed Seasonal Flower Bouquet and Assorted Cadburys Chocolate

Rs. 1215/-

Mixed Seasonal Flower Bouquet and Three Colourful Balloons with Small Teddy Bear

Rs. 1499/-

Mixed Seasonal Flower Bouquet with 500 gr. Assorted Sweets.

Rs. 1515/-

Mixed Seasonal Flower Bouquet with 16 pcs Ferrero Rocher chocolate box.

Rs. 1799/-

Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.

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